Efforts to create the organization begun in 1987, which culminated in the signing of the Declaration of United in Boston on January 11, 1992. HANC’s Constitution was signed and ratified by “HANC’s Founding Members” on November 28 and 29, 1992 in New York City and was formally amended on November 18, 2000 and March 11, 2017.
The organization’s principal office is in Washington, DC with representation in mulitple US states and Greece. The members of HANC are the Federations, second degree organizations, composed by various Associations, first degree organizations with members within the Greek American Community from various parts of the United States and Canada.
HANC’s mission is governed by the following objectives:
The main governing body of HANC is the Presidents Forum which is composed of one representative (usually the President) from each Federation or Association and the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee consists of the President, two Vice-Presidents, and the General Secretary and Treasurer and functions as the executive arm of the President’s Forum. All officers of HANC as well as the officers of the constituent Federations and Associations, are elected by strictly democratic methods.
Organizational activities