(708) 908-0092
Offices1220 16th St NW Washington, DC 20036
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We Are
We Are
The Hellenic American National Council (HANC) is a non profit nonpartisan organization composed and supported by its constituent Federations and Associations in various parts of the United States and Canada.

Efforts to create the organization begun in 1987, which culminated in the signing of the Declaration of United in Boston on January 11, 1992. HANC’s Constitution was signed and ratified by “HANC’s Founding Members” on November 28 and 29, 1992 in New York City and was formally amended on November 18, 2000 and March 11, 2017.


The organization’s principal office is in Washington, DC with representation in mulitple US states and Greece.   The members of HANC are the Federations, second degree organizations, composed by various Associations, first degree organizations with members  within the Greek American Community from various parts of the United States and Canada.

HANC’s mission is governed by the following objectives:

  • Forge the long overdue “Unity of Hellenism in America and Canada”, through fair and democratic means.
  • Engage in close and enthusiastic cooperation with all other organizations within the Greek American community including the Church.
  • Honor, protect and preserve the democratic Hellenic and American ideals
  • Support the interests of the United States of America, of Greece and of Cyprus, especially with a focus on the Eastern Mediterranean and the Balkan regions
  • Protect and promote the the ideals of Hellenism, the Hellenic culture and language
  • Promote the Hellenic culture to all United States people through the educational process, included but not limited to, such activities as public discussion groups, forums, lectures, panels, newsletters, and other similar programs
  • Protect and preserve Hellenic human rights internationally.
  • Protect the truth of Hellenic history and its principal ideals
  • Promote friendship and better understanding of Hellenism
  • Foster a better understanding and respect for the constitutional government of the United States and Hellas

The main governing body of HANC is the Presidents Forum which is composed of one representative (usually the President) from each Federation or Association and the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee consists of the President, two Vice-Presidents, and the General Secretary and Treasurer and functions as the executive arm of the President’s Forum. All officers of HANC as well as the officers of the constituent Federations and Associations, are elected by strictly democratic methods.


Get In TouchContact HANC

1220 16th St NW
Washington, DC 20036
Call us
(708) 908-0092
Office Hours
M–F 9am to 6pm
Sundays 9am to 11am

Our History


Organizational activities


  • After years of great effort the Hellenic American and Canadian communities with 23 federations signed the Declaration of United in Boston on January 11, 1992.
  • HANC organized three major rallied in Washington, DC., Chicago, and Toronto.
  • Through the Federations HANC informed the Hellenic and American communities of the Macedonian problem.
  • HANC signed a declaration by the Hellenic American and Canadian communities that the name “Macedonia” belongs to Hellas.
  • A formal invitation sent to the Hellenic American National Council by the President of Hellas and the Hellenic government in July of 1992.
  • The first Constitution of the Hellenic American National Council ratified in New York November, 1992.


  • Ongoing efforts with the delegations to the United Nations and the United States Congress and Senate not to accept Skopja with the name “Macedonia”. HANC organized a rally in front of the United Nations in New York in January 1993.
  • The first official convention of the Hellenic American National Council takes place in Florida with the representatives of the Hellenic government present.
  • The Hellenic American National Council informs all of the federations of a grass roots organization for all national issues.


  • HANC informs the Hellenic American community about the recognition of Skopja by the United States government. Over 200,000 faxes and letters were sent to the President of the United Slates in February 1994 resulting in the President calling for a meeting in the White House. In March 1994 the Hellenic American National Council mobilized the community about the five captives in Northern Epiros.
  • In March 1994 a delegation takes part in the great rally of Thessaloniki.
  • A food and clothing campaign for helping the Pontians in Ex-Soviet Georgia send in containers of food and clothing from the Federations of Florida Illinois and Boston.
  • Fund raising for the families of the five captives of Northern Epiros.
  • Fund raising for Saraktsanoi of Bulgaria.
  • Ongoing efforts for total participation of the Hellenic American community and cooperation with other organizations with AHIPAC.
  • Hellenic American National Council mobilizes the community for the 20 year anniversary of the invasion of Cyprus.
  • Grass root organization for voting registration through various federations.


  • HANC, working with the organization in Washington (AHIPAC) supports congressional bills for human rights and pressure the administration and Congress for solving the Tragedy of Cyprus and the 1619 missing.
  • HANC takes the initiative of informing the community of the catastrophic earthquakes in Macedonia and Aigion and asks all federations for their help in this tragedy.
  • HANC informs the federations that the Porter Amendment was passed with their help, the first ever since 1978. The Hellenic American community has worked together in every congressional district and with the direction of AHIPAC to accomplish this major congressional victory.
  • HANC announces that beginning in 1996 “A Week of Hellenism” will take place in every federation in the United States and Canada in the last week of October of every year.


  • HANC completes its Quccessful convention in New York. A major decision is undertaken to attend the first ever meeting of SAE in Thessaloniki in November and December. Present at this convention as main speaker is Undersecretary G. Niotis. The Hellenic American National Council gives a luncheon for the President of Hellas, K. Stephanopoulos, and Archbishop Iakovos at the Pierre Hotel.
  • HANC recognizes President Stephanopoulos as an Honorary President of HANC.
  • HANC takes part in the world convention of SAE in Thessaloniki with all its federations and officers. HANC supports the first committee of SAE.
  • HANC mobilizes the Hellenic American community against the Turkish claims on Imia.
  • His Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew invites HANC members to Constantinople.
  • A delegation of HANC members and the US Hellenic Chamber of Commerce visits Constantinople, Thessaloniki, Athens, and Patras.
  • HANC establishes office in Thessaloniki
  • Semi-annual convention takes place in Washington, DC in support of the Pancretan Association and the Battle of Crete.
  • Elections take place and a two-year term executive committee is elected.
  • The Hellenic American Chamber of Commerce and the Society of Paideia join HANC.
  • HANC mobilizes the community for the 22nd anniversary of Turkish oppression in Cyprus.
  • HANC participates with AHIPAC and AHEPA in creating a common policy for the national issues of Greece and Cyprus which is presented to the delegates at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.
  • Officers of HANC participate in the enthronement of the new Archbishop of North and South America Spyridon in New York.
  • Regional meetings are established throughout the United States for local conferences by the members of the National Council.