With a great success and an even better than expected turn out from Presidents of Greek Federations around the country, the Hellenic American National Council Executive Board carried out its meeting on November 5th, 2011 at the Crown Plaza Hotel in East Elmhurst, NY. Twenty-one Presidents of Federations and members of HANC around the country were hosted by HANC President Paul Kotrotsios.
With a great success and an even better than expected turn out from Presidents of Greek Federations around the country, the Hellenic American National Council Executive Board carried out its meeting on November 5th, 2011 at the Crown Plaza Hotel in East Elmhurst, NY. Twenty-one Presidents of Federations and members of HANC around the country were hosted by HANC President Paul Kotrotsios. At the luncheon hosted by the Hellenic American National Council, honoring the General Consul of Greece in New York who will soon be departing the big apple for her new assignment as the new Ambassador of Greece in Santiago Chile, all the participants thanked Mrs. Balta for her services to Hellenism and the Greek-American community, for her special character as well as the passionate way she approached the Hellenic issues and the Omogeneia. Mrs. Balta praised HANC’s work for its ability to bring Greeks together in the promotion of our Hellenic Issues. At the end of the luncheon, the Presidents and members presented Mrs. Balta a commemorative plaque, honoring her work. AHEPA’s Supreme President John Grossomanides also participated in the meeting and promised a better and closer cooperation between AHEPA and HANC. He also invited HANC’s President and members to participate in the next AHEPA Annual Convention that will take place in June 2012. The convention will also celebrate 90 years from the day AHEPA was founded.
For the first time in HANC history, we had the participation of an AHEPA Supreme President, the President of Council of Greeks Abroad as well as 21 Presidents of Federation. This was a great expression of interest towards our national issues, Greece, the Greek-American community as well as the work done by this current HANC Executive Board. The General Consul of Greece also thanked HANC for extending her an invitation and for being there, fighting, for the Greek and Cypriot National Issues. HANC President, Paul Kotrotsios laid out HANC’s goals: a. To bring the Federations even closer and have them work along with the doctors, the Young Professionals, and all those organizations that could revitalize their Boards and membership. b. To work on our National Issue and create one common policy accepted by all members in order to have more fruitful discussions with Congressmen, Senators, Mayors, Governors and all those who can help promote our National Issues, that way HANC will be more efficient and have better results in its work c. To create a board that would deal with HANC’s finances in order to strengthen the work done by the committees on the various issues including education. HANC President also announced the creation of a Public Relations Committee that would promote Hellenism during this tough period for Greece and Greeks everywhere, a committee that would also show the current contributions of Hellenism and Greek worldwide. This can be done through article writing, conventions as well as meetings. HANC’s Vice President Chris Christakis provided the participants at the meeting with a well prepared, thoughtful and in-sight presentation about the direction the efforts for solving our National Issues should take. Mr. Christakis emphasized the role HANC should play in the “Macedonia” name dispute issue. The President of the Cypriot Federation Mr. Panikos Papanikolaou, who participated in this HANC Forum for the first time briefed the Executive Board and its members for the latest development on the efforts in reunifying Cyprus and praised the Federation’s cooperation with the American Hellenic Institute on the issue of selling Helicopters. Mr. Elias Tsekerides, President of the New York Federation welcomed HANC’s Executive Board on behalf of the local (New York) federation and spoke about the 5th Avenue Parade The President of the Council of Greeks Abroad Mr. Ted Spyropoulos spoke about his organization’s current status and praised the important work done by the Hellenic American National Counsil. Among other Participants: Nick Laryngakis-President of AHI, Kostas Hatzistefanides-President of Pan-Macedonian, Dr. Spyros Mezitis-President of “Reinasance”, who also spoke about where we stand as Hellenes today and the direction we should be moving towards, Kostas Koutrakos-HANC Vice President , President of Pan-Laconians and President of HANC’s Education committee, Stella Kokolis-President of the Teachers Federation, Steve Pelardis-President of the Panrodian Association with Polyvios Pavlidis, Zaharoula Marmatakis-representative of the Pancretan Association, Panagiotis Doukas-President of the Pancorinthians, Vasilis Bebonis, President of the Panmessinians, Stelios Manis-President of the Hunters, Vasilis Matarangas-President of the federation of Zakyntos and Ioanian Islands, Nikos Bardis of the Pangregorians, Dr. Yiannis Nathenas, Senator Loui Raptakis and New York Assembly woman Aravela Simotas. The presence of the youth was also very important and various projects of strengthening the various students and young professionals associations are under way, on a local as well as national level. During its three hour meeting the Executive Board discussed a more efficient plan for the cooperation of all Federations. Topics included among other: FYROM name dispute, the reunification of Cyprus, Greek Education in the United States, the future of Hellenism, Greek language and the Economy. Participants asked the President and the Executive Board to visit various Federations around the country and submitted a proposal for the creation of local Federations in Texas, Maryland and the Carolinas. The location of the next HANC meeting in June 2012 was also discussed, as it will be a special one celebrating 20 years from its foundation. |